Free Online Dictionary

Are you tired of copy-pasting Japanese text you find on the internet into google translate every five minutes? Use Yomichan to streamline that process to quickly get translations in real time on any website!


Do you hate when you see something written in Japanese on the net and you have to copy and paste it into Google translate to understand what’s written? Then I have a solution for you! Yomichan!

This is how it works: After the extension is installed, anytime you hover your mouse over Japanese text the word will be defined for you! How cool is that?!


First install the extension. Yomichan is available on Chrome and Firefox but I use Chrome so those are the steps I’m showing today. That said, installing on Firefox is going to be extremely similar.

Go here to download all the dictionaries you would like Yomichan to have access to when it’s looking something up for you. The developer has said that the English dictionaries have more words but use whatever you are most comfortable with.

Once you have all the zip files downloaded you just click the Yomichan icon next to the address bar in Chrome, click the wrench, click “Choose file” and select the dictionaries you downloaded one by one.

Once done, the app is immediately useable! Just hold the shift key (default) and hover your mouse over the text you don’t know.

Author: Taylor Edwards

Taylor is a film major at Arizona State University. He currently lives with his girlfriend, dog, cat, and ferret in an apartment in Tempe. He has a passion for the Japanese language and hopes to one day live in Japan to be a コンビニ connoisseur.

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