How Do I Learn Kanji?!

Anyone learning Japanese is going to have to learn Kanji at some point in their educational lifetime or they won’t truly know Japanese. Here’s how you should go about teaching yourself Japan’s most difficult writing system.


Anyone learning Japanese is going to have to learn Kanji at some point in their educational lifetime or they won’t truly know Japanese. The two questions you’re going to need to answer for yourself are: “When do I start learning Kanji” and “How do I go about learning Kanji?” Don’t worry, we’re going over it as soon as the next paragraph. 

Whether you’re self teaching or are taking a class, you should start learning Kanji as soon as possible. If you put it off it’s just going to weigh on you as some mystical and difficult step that you end up avoiding. Don’t do this. Once you know your Hiragana and Katakana you should drive straight into Kanji. We’re not saying you should be learning 30 new characters a day and stress yourself out. No, we are saying you should take it slow and steady but don’t mystify the process. It’s also important to stress that you don’t just focus solely on Kanji. Be working on grammar, reading skills, and other aspects of the language while doing your best to pick up Kanji. Language is a process you have to absorb slowly over time, not in awkward chunks. Even if you knew every single kanji on Earth, not knowing how sentences are glued together grammatically you could only make random guesses about sentences.


There are quite a few good options out there for learning Kanji but the one that we currently recommend—and the one that we’re still using—is Wanikani. It’s a website that employs the SRS (Spaced Repetition System) method of learning to teach you all of the most important Kanji characters and vocabulary at your own pace. 

It’s free for the first three levels, so go see if it’s something that works for you. They use fun and memorable mnemonics to make sure that all the kanji and vocabulary words stay in your long term memory!


Nexflix’s Secret Japanese Options

Getting your fix of Japanese language through media can be a daunting task when you’re just starting out as most sites serving Japanese media are in Japanese. But everyone has Netflix, let’s use Netflix’s secret language functions to get that audio into Japanese!


If you have the desire to learn Japanese and have a Netflix account you’ve probably wondered what things you can watch in Japanese to help you pick up the language. Sure, you can watch anime or a J-Drama in Japanese, but what about your favorite American sitcoms? Finding foreign language content to watch can be difficult when outside of the target country’s border, but I’m here to help!


Did you know that you can switch the audio language for much of the content on Netflix? This isn’t just for television and movies originally in Japanese, either. Many movies have been given a treatment by talented Japanese voice actors and you can experience their performances!

Now, to make things easier, Netflix has given us the option to search through its large library by audio language through their website. All you have to do is follow this link and follow the instructions below. Super easy!


  1. After you’re on the website make sure “Audio” is selected and then select “Japanese” as your target language.
  2. Next, choose what you want to watch from the given list and press play.
  3. Click the icon in the bottom right corner of the video and select Japanese!


Netflix’s language features are extremely buggy right now. I was unable to choose Japanese as a language option using devices such as a PS4 or smart TV even though the website shows it as an option. ALSO, if you don’t choose that you’re looking for Japanese, using the link provided BEFORE you search the show, it won’t show up as an option on the language list. This also goes for pulling up known Japanese audio shows on the previous platforms I mentioned. Odd? Yes. Actually a bug? No idea.

Anyways! Sit back, relax, and enjoy all those new options!